E-Raze Rejuvi Removal

The E-Raze Rejuvi tattoo removal system is a unique, non laser, non-surgical method of ink extraction. This method is a safe alternative to traditional invasive laser treatments, delivering great results for unwanted conventional tattoos and permanent cosmetics.

The removal treatment utilises similar methods as having the original unwanted tattoo. The specifically designed extraction formula is implanted into the tattoo ink where it bonds with the fragmented ink particles and is naturally ejected from the skin, both immediately and continuously throughout the healing process.


  • Rejuvi is not colour selective and is equally effective upon all ink colours
  • Incurs minimal risk of scaring
  • Rejuvi is substantially less painful than other removal techniques
  • The treatment course period is typically quicker and more effective than other non- surgical removal methods
  • Rejuvi is suitable for both professional and amateur tattoos
  • Hair growth is not affected within the treated area


E-Raze Rejuvi tattoo removal is the ideal solution for individuals requiring;

  • Removal of conventional tattoos
  • Fading of conventional tattoos for a cover-up tattoo
  • Removal of semi-permanent cosmetic enhancements
  • Fading of semi-permanent cosmetics for correctional / cover-up work


Prior to treatments a comprehensive consultation will take place which includes the completion of a medical history assessment questionnaire, essential for determining treatment suitability, along with product patch testing. A thorough discussion of the client’s requirements and expectations will be established in order to determine the best treatment solution.

Treatment Plan

The Rejuvi tattoo removal system is a process that requires commitment and dedication from the client. The treatment process will require multiple sessions to reach the desired result. The number of sessions required is entirely dependent upon the size and location of the tattoo and the requirements for the client.

Typically removal can be achieved in 4 – 8 appointment sessions, spaced 8 – 12 weeks apart. However, this is variable ranging from 1 – 14 sessions. Clients must be prepared to be committed to this process for a possible 2 year period.

The first appointment will consist of the consultation and the treatment procedure. Following appointments will be a repeat of the treatment procedure. Treatment durations vary depending upon the area being treated. Please allow up to 2 – 3 hours for the initial Rejuvi tattoo removal treatment appointment.

Treatment price and a suitable treatment plan will be provided at consultation.

Following Treatment

The success rate of the Rejuvi tattoo removal treatment is very much dependent upon the client adhering properly to the aftercare instructions.

Immediately following the treatment a crust like scab containing the dispelled ink and formula will form over the treated area, and will remain for the following 10 -14 days. During this essential heeling period more of the un-wanted tattoo ink will be working its way out of the skin. It is imperative that this crusting is kept completely dry and that it remains in place during this healing period and is allowed to fall away naturally. Any attempt to remove this crusting prematurely could result in scaring and serious infection.

The treated area must be allowed to heal for 8 – 12 weeks following treatment before subsequent treatments.

Full aftercare instructions will be provided both verbally and in hard copy following the procedure.

Following the final treatment, 1 – 2 sessions of MCA may be required to aid the recovery of the skin.